Oct 4, 2013

Pirate's life for me

Back to reality this week after fun in the sun last week at the beach. Let me tell you how fun it is to get a little one back on any resemblance of a schedule after being on vacation. It's Friday and she is JUST NOW going down for a morning nap without doing an alligator death roll fight with me :)

The upside of coming back is that it is officially, officially fall. Like, no one will judge you for putting out pumpkins and mums fall. Fall is my FAVORITE time of year. I love decorating and burning autumn scented candles. I love making chili and soups and roasted squash. Or my easy and delicious Crock Pot Beef Stew!

I'm going to ignore the fact that it is going to be 88 degrees tomorrow still (ugh). Bring on the cold front!

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