Nov 9, 2015

Clean eats and weekend treats!

I think we can all agree that eating too many processed foods isn't good for our bodies. The trick is finding a way around it in this fast paced world we are living in now where convenience is key. Most especially with little kids around, it's been made too easy to hand off over processed snacks and meals with no real nutritional value. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not cutting out processed food completely. But, I am going to make a huge effort to cut back considerably for my family. We are going clean-er...
I think the hardest place to change is with lunch and snacks (at least for me). It's pretty easy to eat a healthy breakfast and dinner, but where are the ideas and where is the time for lunch and snacks. Here are my 2 attempts for real food snacks lately:
Deviled Eggs for one. I've been trying to keep hard boiled eggs on hand for snacks and salads. Here, I mixed the yolk with greek yogurt, a little mustard, salt and pepper and topped with dried dill. It hit the spot and filled me up.

This is a go to for me, which means sometimes I get burnt out which is why I'm searching for new options. But it is super good:
Greek yogurt mixed with PB2, granola, chopped apples and chia seeds. Great for snacks or breakfast.

On another note, I made a super killer totally from scratch pizza this weekend. My husband who is a sworn BBQ Chicken pizza lover said this was the best pizza I've ever made!
It was spinach, bacon and caramelized red onions with mozzarella and parmesan cheeses and a homemade garlic white sauce. Total taste explosion.

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