5 Ways to Reclaim your Time
They're out there. Time hogs. Hogging up all of that precious time that you could be doing something you love or something meaningful. I'm realizing I have a few time hogs in my life right now and I am determined to do something about it. Everyone could use a few minutes back in their day, right?
1. Email. I have spent the last couple of days UNSUBSCRIBING from tons of emails that no longer interest me. I spend so much time sifting though my bulging inbox. It's amazing how many emails I just blow through in an effort to empty my inbox. Take a little time and hit that unsubscribe button at the bottom of these emails.
2. Wake up earlier. Even if it's just 15 minutes earlier. Getting out of bed is hard no matter what time it is, so go ahead and do it for yourself!
3. Double Recipes. Make 2 batches of what's for dinner and freeze one for later. You can also do this with appetizers and cookie dough.
4. Bank online. If your bank offers free online banking, utilize it. I used to go to every website I had a bill for and forget my log in and take forever to pay one bill. Now, I log into one place and am able to pay all of my bills all at once.
5. Make the most of downtime. Fold clothes while you catch up on your tv shows or grab a rag and dust the coffee table. You can also put away that laundry from yesterday while you are deciding what to wear for the day.
How do you save time?

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