4 Things Friday
It's been such a mild June so far (which is odd) but the heat is a coming. Growing up, I had always wished we had a pool. I had promised myself that when I was an adult I would have a pool! Well, I'm an adult and the only pool I have is 6" deep plastic one from Wal-Mart. (Yes, I get in it with my toddler.) I still swear one day I will have a pool, but until I can save up the trillion dollars it will take to blast through all the rock underground (thanks Tennessee), I will have to beat the heat in other ways. So here's 4 things this Friday I have my eye on for some Summer Fun:
1. There's nothing like running through the sprinklers on a hot day. I'd love to get this one for Mally/me..
2. I love making ice cream in the summertime, but this year I think I might try my hand at popsicles. I've been wanting one of these to make my own healthy options.
3. My kid is OBSESSED with bubbles. In an effort to not black out from having to blow them for her for hours, I'm looking at this to do it for me.
4. How cool of an idea is this? Editable paints!

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