Apr 13, 2015

How does your garden grow?

I've always enjoyed gardening and growing my own food. It's so rewarding to till up the dirt and plant seeds or little sprouts and watch them grow and feed you and your family. I love being able to have my own organic produce all summer long. I always try and choose what I know will be happy in my yard along with what I know my family will like. This is what our garden looked like:

Mostly weeds, some bricks that were given to us that we are using to build other planters, and some green onions that have hung in there since last year that are in dire need of a trim. 
After an hour, we had this:

We are going to tackle the weeds you see in the yard surrounding the bed. That's a whole other battle!

We decided to do a couple of basil plants. They love sun and should do well. I love adding fresh basil to pasta dishes or whipping up basil pesto. We also have cucumbers and a bunch of kale. I'm on a huge kale kick lately. I have never attempted to grow it before, but I'm hopeful that it will thrive and provide us with lots! At the end next to the trellis, we put a few tomato plants. Those usually do well and provide us with more than enough tomatoes for the summer.

What do you like to grow?
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