Mar 6, 2015

10 Easy Ways to Save Money This Week

I'm always drawn to articles that have ideas for saving money. We are huge savers and I'm always looking for new (and painless) ways to save more. There's no magic trick to it all, you just have to spend less or make more. This post is about spending less in little ways throughout the week. Little savings, over time, turn into BIG savings. 
  1. Paint your own nails. Manicures can easily cost $20-$30. You can buy yourself a new bottle of polish and still be saving money painting your nails yourself.

  2. Pack your lunch. It's no secret that brown bagging saves tons of dough. If you're bored with the same old ham and cheese, try a wrap, make your own "Lunchables" with cheese, meat and crackers, or pasta salad.

  3. Hit up the Library. I recently was close to buying a few books for my Kindle on Amazon and decided to check my library online. Sure enough, almost all the books I was wanting to read were available as eBooks through my local library. They also have movies and videos, all for free!

  4. Make your own coffee drinks. Buy nice coffee and creamer and make your coffee drinks at home. There are tons of recipes and copycat recipes online that are easy to do. Invest in a nice mug or re-useable to go cup to make it still feel special.

  5. Utilize "On Demand" and subscription services. It's amazing what all is available as a part of the cable service you already pay for. There are tons of movies, shows and documentaries there to watch. We always forget to check there when we are looking for something to watch. If you subscribe to Amazon Prime there are lots of videos there to watch as well as books that are a part of the service.

  6. Cook dinner. Again, big shocker that eating at home is way cheaper than eating out. Make it an easier option by having extra dinners on standby like freezer meals, frozen shrimp (it thaws quickly), or a box of pasta and a jar of sauce.

  7. Host a game night. Hanging out with friends doesn't always have to include a restaurant. Host a game night at home. Have everyone bring a game and a dish to share and let the good times roll!

  8. Meatless Mondays. We always have a meatless dish each week. It helps with the grocery budget and the waistline. There are a lot of meatless dishes that don't scream I HAVE NO MEAT IN ME and will satisfy even the manliest of men. It's pretty easy to get away with it in pasta dishes, adding in extra veggies which bulk up the dish. I like to do a spaghetti with diced zucchini which is always a hit.

  9. Check out your community calendar. It's getting to be spring time and community events are starting to rev up. Check out an art show, watch a parade, or go to a festival. Some cities have free live music in the park or outdoor movies for families. These can all be fun and inexpensive ways to get some entertainment.

  10. Fuel Mileage. I own a not so fuel efficient car, but I drive less than 20 miles a week since I work from home and live close to the grocery store as well as friends and family (all within a 3 mile radius). But I do make sure that I am getting the best gas mileage I can by maintaining my car (oil changes and filter changes) and keeping my tires properly inflated. You can be wasting 3% of your fuel mileage by running on tires that are not properly inflated. That adds up. (The correct PSI for your tires should be posted on the inside of your door panel on the drivers side. When in doubt, Google it.) Also, be sure you're not toting around extra weight in your car by taking some time each week to clean it out and determine if what's in there is necessary.
What do you do to save money?
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