Aug 5, 2013

FAST Desserts - Strawberry Banana Bowl

My little one is 6 months old now but I still find myself craving sweets in the evenings like I did when I was pregnant. Probably not the best way to dump off these last few pounds of baby weight! I've started to get creative with what we have to put together healthy-ish after dinner desserts. Instead of ice cream I keep around light or low fat whipped topping, fresh fruits, fat free chocolate sauce (like you make chocolate milk with), low calorie graham crackers, nuts, things like that. Then I think of a dessert that I WISH I had. In this case, it was a mix between a banana split and a strawberry pie (or any pie, let's be honest!). Thus is born, the Strawberry Banana Bowl!

  1. In each bowl, cut up half a banana and a couple of strawberries. 
  2. On top of that, crumble 1 plain graham cracker.
  3. Drizzle with chocolate syrup. (chocolate milk making kind)
  4. Top with a dollop of light or fat free whipped topping (the kind in the tub)
  5. Optional - a pinch of chocolate sprinkles and a cherry!

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